Selin Gurjar


12,993rd Day

This morning, I had Tikhi puri made by my mother, a dish that instantly brought back memories of my hostel days. Isn’t it amazing how food can transport us to another time and place? I remember having it during break time, rushing back to my hostel room just to take a bite and think of home. Those first few months were when I was still homesick, and that simple dish was a comforting reminder of the familiar. It’s funny how something so small can carry so many memories, making me realize how much I value those carefree days. Food truly acts as a time machine—one bite, and suddenly, you’re back in a moment you hadn’t thought about in years. I think that’s why we hold certain dishes so close to our hearts. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about the memories, the emotions, and the people tied to them.

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12,992nd Day

4 things   1) Filing mediclaim reimbursement isn’t exactly a fun task. Let’s be honest—paperwork never is. But knowing that I’m helping take care of the family made it worth the effort. I realized today that sometimes the most mundane tasks are also the most meaningful. It’s a reminder that responsibility for family always takes priority, even when it feels like a chore. 2) It’s funny how something as simple as a bowl of soup can completely shift your mood. I learned that taking a break with food I love is a small but effective way to reset and recharge when life gets hectic. 3) I’m amazed at how easy building a website has become. My wife—who was a novice is now creating a fully functional site. All thanks to the tutorials on Internet! It made me reflect on how lucky we are to live in a time when information and tools are so readily available. If you’ve got the will to learn, everything you need is at your fingertips. 4) Sometimes, we get caught up in waiting for the “big” successes and forget to appreciate the little milestones. Whether it’s completing a task on a to-do list or learning something new, celebrating the small wins helps keep me motivated. It’s all part of the bigger picture.

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12,991st Day

3 things   1. Chicken biryani for lunch and gulab jamun for dessert—by myself! With these two treats on a midweek slump, how could I possibly focus on staying fit, staying awake, or being productive at work? Any tips for surviving this kind of indulgence are more than welcome! 🙂 2. I’m currently building a website for a client who’s slow on updates. If you ever deal with such clients, trust me—always establish a solid follow-up system. I’ve done this before, and it’s been a game-changer. I might write a full article about it soon, so subscribe and keep an eye on this space for more insights. 3. Years ago, I made the decision to stay with my parents instead of leaving, and I often wondered if it was the right choice. Last month, things got serious with their health, and I was there every step of the way, making sure they were comfortable and cared for. Today, the doctor called with a follow-up and had such positive things to say about how I managed everything, including taking care of myself. For the first time in 14 years, I felt validated in my decision. If there’s a takeaway, it’s this: it takes time, but hold on—you’ll know when you’re doing the right thing.

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12,990th Day

Sometimes, the decisions you make in life may cause pain to your loved ones, but they’re necessary for everyone’s well-being. More often than not, those tough choices lead to a happy ending because you’re confident it’s the right path. Always prioritize your own well-being—if you’re healthy and happy, you can better care for those around you. That’s why airlines emphasize putting on your own oxygen mask first in emergencies—it’s not just a saying; it’s essential.

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12,989th Day

Thank you for coming, October. Thank you for bringing hope. Thank you for welcoming winter. Thank you for marking the beginning of the festive season. Thank you for the breeze filled with sweet, lush aromas. Hello, October. Thank you for coming.

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12,939th Day

Friction and Conflicts When masterminds collaborate on a project, friction is inevitable. In fact, healthy friction can drive a project to success and even lead to groundbreaking outcomes.  However, friction is often mistaken for conflict. Conflicts are generally seen as negative because they can damage relationships and break bonds. Friction can indeed escalate into conflict when ego, unwillingness to accept different viewpoints, or a lack of understanding comes into play. Healthy friction, though, can be beneficial if managed wisely. The key is knowing how to leverage it effectively—a task that requires both insight and ability to judge well. Documenting Processes and Checklists I’ve documented processes and created checklists in the past, I’m doing it now, and I’ll continue to do so in the future. Creating processes and checklists can sometimes feel like a headache, but they’ve been crucial in keeping my business running smoothly. When issues arise, having documented steps helps me easily identify what went wrong, pinpoint gaps, and determine how to make improvements. Plain, simple, but highly effective.

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12,937th day

A full circle Buying seafood brings back many childhood memories. I vividly remember holding my mom’s hand as a toddler, going with her to buy fish. Fast forward to today, I had the chance to take my parents seafood shopping in my own car. Time changes and we grow, but the way we grow—whether with wisdom or without—always matters. Email Marketing Efficacy I had a conversation with a college friend who now runs a tile manufacturing business. He wanted me to check if his Facebook ads were set up properly. As we talked about different topics, he mentioned that email marketing remains one of the toughest nuts to crack due to low open and response rates.  While experts often say that email marketing is the purest form of marketing and yields the highest ROI, I believe it still depends on the audience. Do your audience members spend time checking emails, or are they more old-school, working offline and getting their entertainment from reels and shorts during their breaks? If it’s the latter, then email marketing might not be the best strategy.  In that case, marketing efforts should go straight into those reels and shorts. Leadership is a journey As you grow in a specific field, you might find that you excel more as a leader, guiding and training fresh minds. While I enjoyed the hands-on execution when I was a novice, I now love steering projects toward their goals. It’s not that I dislike execution—there are bright minds, even brighter than mine, who excel at it. I enjoy leading and training them, knowing they could become even better leaders in the future. 🙂

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12,908th Day – Reflections on Entrepreneurship and Growth

One of those days in the life of an entrepreneur—the day you discuss and finalize the infrastructure of your startup. It’s an exciting as well as challenging journey, where building an identity that elevates you as an entrepreneur is the toughest part. My partner and I went deep into discussions about the future of our company. Explored how it will operate, how it will present itself, and the unique space it will carve out in the vast ocean of digital marketing agencies. In this crowded field, we aim to be that one distinctive drop. A drop that makes a significant difference and uplifts the standards. That’s the vision I’m striving for in my company. Ideas that had been shelved are now being revived with fresh energy and enthusiasm. The anticipation of what the coming months will bring is truly exciting. On the client front, freelance work continues to be demanding. Client servicing is no easy task, but those who consistently deliver quality services stand out from the crowd. It’s this commitment to excellence that sets us apart.

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Cheering on Farewells, Mentoring, and Entrepreneurship

When a teammate departs from your organization for another, always extend your well wishes. If they’re leaving to start their own venture, give them your support and appreciate what they’re creating. They’re stepping into a space where they see a need and demand, aiming to make something even better. Taking lessons from their journey is valuable, as it could benefit both you and your organization. As for whether they’ll succeed in meeting demand, solving market problems, and achieving success, only time will tell. This post comes from my experience of teaching digital marketing to many beginners. Some pursued better opportunities, others launched their own ventures, while some pursued higher education and excelled. I still learn from all of them and it makes me happy to have been part of their journey. Just like I was guided by mentors who helped me in my journey.

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